Dr. Marc Niethammer

Professor of Computer Science, UNC at Chapel Hill

LMI: 2005-2007

My research interests lie in the areas of biomedical image analysis and visual control- and estimation-theory. I am interested in both theory development and applications to real world problems. My areas of expertise range from visual tracking for defense applications, to medical imaging algorithm  development, to structural health monitoring (in a former life). I am excited by interdisciplinary work, having collaborated and worked with researchers and practitioners in mathematics, various engineering disciplines,  and in the medical fields. I am particularly interested in the interplay between disciplines,  where theory drives applications and applications influence theory development.

My recent research focuses on biomedical image analysis. I am particularly, interested in novel methods for segmentation and registration involving temporal or spatial constraints. My current application areas are (1) neuroscience and neurodevelopment, (2) osteoarthritis, (3) pediatrics, and (4) cancer.

2014- Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill

2008-2013 Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill

2007 Instructor Harvard Medical School
2005-2007 Research Fellow

Brigham and Women's Hospital

2005 Research Engineer Georgia Institute of Technology