
3D Slicer (Slicer) is a free and open source software package for image analysis and scientific visualization. Slicer is used in a variety of medical applications, including autism, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, prostate cancer, schizophrenia, orthopedic biomechanics, COPD, cardiovascular disease and neurosurgery.

3D Slicer provides image registration, processing of DTI (diffusion tractography), an interface to external devices for image guidance support, and GPU-enabled volume rendering, among other capabilities. 3D Slicer has a modular organization that allows the addition of new functionality and provides a number of generic features not available in competing tools.

The interactive visualization capabilities of 3D Slicer include the ability to display arbitrarily oriented image slices, build surface models from image labels, and hardware accelerated volume rendering. 3D Slicer also supports a rich set of annotation features (fiducials and measurement widgets, customized colormaps).

Slicer's capabilities include:

  • Handling DICOM images and reading/writing a variety of other formats
  • Interactive visualization of volumetric Voxel images, polygonal meshes, and volume renderings
  • Manual editing
  • Fusion and co-registering of data using rigid and non-rigid algorithms
  • Automatic image segmentation
  • Analysis and visualization of diffusion tensor imaging data
  • Tracking of devices for image-guided procedures.

Slicer is compiled for use on multiple computing platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Slicer is distributed under a BSD style, free, open source license. The license has no restrictions on use of the software in academic or commercial projects. However, no claims are made on the software being useful for any particular task. It is entirely the responsibility of the user to ensure compliance with local rules and regulations. Slicer has not been formally approved for clinical use in the FDA in the US or by any other regulatory body elsewhere